Musical Theater Classes
Musical Theater workshops will include an introduction to dance in the context of musical theater performance including the importance of facial expression, intent, size and quality of movement. Each class will include various theatrical movement exercises and will conclude with a phase of fun and upbeat musical choreography geared to the individual ages and levels of the students.

Musical Theater Dance: 6-8 year olds
This class introduces the young dancer to the basics of musical theater dance. Lessons focus on covering simple vocabulary and developing musicality and expressivity. The importance of music is emphasized and students develop their sense of musicality through different exercises involving listening, improvising, and creating. Improvisational exercises are used regularly to keep students actively and creatively engaged. Classes include simple choreography to music from age-appropriate shows such as Peter Pan, Beauty and the Beast, and Wizard of Oz. Note: this class does not include vocal instruction.
Musical Theater Dance: 9-12 year olds
This class focuses on building a solid foundation of musical theater vocabulary, musicality, and knowledge of various musical theater dance styles. Students learn the importance of facial expression, size, and quality of movement. Lessons include a dynamic warm-up, theatrical exercises, dance technique, and phrases of musical theater choreography. Theatrical and improvisational exercises are used to help teach students musicality and emotional expressivity within their movement. We will work with songs from a variety of musicals such as Chicago, Hairspray, and Cats. Note: this class does not include vocal instruction.
Musical Theater Dance: 13-17 year olds
In this class students cover and discuss the broad range of styles labeled as “musical theater” dance. Common musical theater vocabulary and dance terminology are reviewed while students focus on learning the diverse movement skills needed for dancing in shows; while a jazzy style of dance is emphasized in many musical productions, knowledge of other styles—such as ballet and modern dance—is extremely helpful for students to be diverse and well-rounded performers. Lessons include a dynamic warm-up, theatrical/improvisational exercises, and movement technique (including elements of various dance styles). Lessons usually conclude with choreography to a variety of different music from shows such as Hairspray, Cats, and West Side Story. Note: this class does not include vocal instruction.
The Young Ladies of Grace
Georgetown Square
5225 Sheridan Drive,
Williamsville NY